News — outline
DIY Dry Erase Magnet
Posted by Katie Gauthier on

Opti-Rite® MSA Dry Erase Wallpaper Competitor Comparison
Posted by Katie Gauthier on

Here is a comparative analysis of Opti-Rite® MSA Dry Erase Wallpaper and its competitor. This list of features is a thorough compilation of topics our customers are most frequently inquiring about. It ranges from Eco-Friendliness to Durability and everything in the middle. Eco-friendliness Opti-Rite® MSA is manufactured with 32.4% recycled plastic. Other dry erase products are made with melamine which is a by-product of the coal industry. During its production, several toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere. Ghosting and Staining We guarantee Opti-Rite® MSA is free of staining and ghosting when properly erased with a clean, dry...
Why Do Customers Choose Opti-Rite®?
Posted by Katie Gauthier on

We are so grateful for every customer that comes back for a second purchase, leaves a review or even gives us some constructive feedback! Because of our customers, we’ve been able to evolve into a company that provides both a state-of-the-art product and stellar customer service. Here’s why you should let us take care of your dry erase wallpaper needs. Facts Since the birth of Opti-Rite®, we’ve sold over 5MM square feet, about 100 football fields’ worth. We are socially responsible. Opit-Rite® is even made with 32.4% post-consumer waste. Is it reusable and economical. OptiMA has 34 + years of...
Opti-Rite FAQs
Posted by Katie Gauthier on

The 3 Most Unique Ways People Use Dry Erase Wallpaper
Posted by Katie Gauthier on

Dry Erase Wallpaper, especially the magnetic, peel-n-stick kind, is used in endless ways by creators and thinkers of all industries. Our customers have taken it a step beyond common uses, like for resurfacing and projection. We’ve compiled the top 3 most unique ways these professionals are using Opti-Rite® Dry Erase Wallpaper.